Dungeons & Dragons Characters
by admin on Feb.19, 2009, under Work In Progress
Been busy the last couple of months and haven’t had much time to do the painting I wanted. Decided to put some time aside for paintimg. Just recently my wife and I started playing Dungeons & Dragons. It’s been a good 10 – 15 years since I last played. Each weekend we spend quite a few hours with some people we met at the local meetup group.
Anyway, D&D is a great game where a bunch of you sit around the table together and create an epic story together with each player playing a charactre in the game. My character is Skillgannon a Ranger ( was in a hurry and named him after a David Gemmell character). My wife Inna is playing a half elven cleric, though she really wanted a druid character, unfortunately they aren’t available yet in the new 4E rules.
Here’s the underpainting for both characters.
Skillgannon 16″x20″ Oil on canvas
Silversteine 16″ x 20″ oil on canvas
I also put together a local community Dungeos and Dragons community site up at Sac D&D
August 24th, 2010 on 4:47 pm
That was a wonderful post, I really liked visiting your site. I am going to bookmark it and will make sure to visit weekly.