Current Work in Progress
by admin on Jul.13, 2008, under Work In Progress
Here’s some works in progress. Just underpaintings at this point. The first one below has something new I wasn’t familiar with before called the dead layer. I started in Acrylics for speed. The dead layer is supposed to bring out extra richness in luminosity as the light passes through. How this compares to the regular underpaintings I’m more familiar with (see two below).
The next two are both started in oil.
I havent gotten the hang of photographing the paintings yet, the one below is much larger and the top right is closer to the lights.
EDIT: I have since added some primitive style clothes to the Braveheart and Huntress painting above. When I originaly did the underpainting I knew I needed something but didn’t know what. Hope to finish this one soon.