Tysoe's Art Blog

Archive for November, 2011

Studio Part 7

by on Nov.03, 2011, under General, Work In Progress

Well this has been a good week. A couple of years ago I was really disappointed when an amazing Best Santa Fe II easel was advertised on craigslist for $200. ย That’s over $1000 retail and brand new condition. At the time I was broke and simply couldn’t afford it. This time a Craftech Grand Easel turned up on Craigslist. I had just bought the flooring a couple of days earlier which took care of my disposable income for the last month. But just in case, I contacted the seller and asked them to get back to me next month if they still had it.

Anyway, to cut a long story short they did have it ๐Ÿ™‚ Here it is in the studio, had a hard time getting it through the door, this thing is BIG.

The amazing thing was that when I got there to pick it up, there was a matching painting table with storage drawer and flip top laminate glass palette, brush holding cups etc. The lady selling the easel asked if I wanted it.. Absolutely! ย So I ended up with the easel and a free paint table.

So now I have all the furniture I could want for the studio. Feels a bit like winning the lottery. Not that I ever won the lottery but still ๐Ÿ™‚

The easel and paint table are made by Craftech, pieces from their Grand Artisan Studio series of furniture. Looks fantastic in the studio and goes with the new floor very well ๐Ÿ™‚

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